IMPORTANT NOTE: All domains are required to be listed on WHOIS.COM, according to ICANN regulations. When registering a domain, you have the option of registering the domain as either public or private.

Public Domain - If a domain is registered as public, then the information you used to register the domain - your name, address, e-mail address, and phone number - can be accessed by anyonethrough WHOIS. This means that you can, and likely will, be solicited by email, phone, and mail by companies offering you their services.

Private Domain - You may use ClassQUEST as a proxy. You will still retain full ownership of the domain. But your information will not be listed publicly by WHOIS.COM. The cost is an additional $10 per year.



  1. Public Domain Listing
    Purchase/Renew Domain Name for 1 Year (Public Listing)
    Price: $29.95
    Purchase/Renew Domain Name for 2 Years (Public Listing)
    Price: $59.95
    Purchase/Renew Domain Name for 3 Years (Public Listing)
    Price: $89.95
    Purchase/Renew Domain Name for 5 Years (Public Listing)
    Price: $149.95